Settling Down to Business

It has been nine months since I posted on my writing blog, and I’ve been missing in action on other social networks as well—2018 was incredibly busy for me. I drove to Texas from California last winter to meet my long-lost sister, Joan, and her family for the first time. I stayed longer than expected, … read more Settling Down to Business

In Search of Blue Bonnets

Road Trip to Texas!

Aww, Twitter Dissed Me :(

Dear Twitter Admins: Thanks for reviewing my request to be a “verified” Twitter user. I was disappointed that I am “not eligible” to be verified, especially after I saw today’s news: “On Tuesday, Twitter gave its preferred status, a verified check mark, to Jason Kessler, the creator of the white supremacist Charlottesville rally in August that … read more Aww, Twitter Dissed Me 🙁

Wait—How Did I Lose 25 Years?!?

Last night, I was hard at work getting rid of most of the stuff cluttering my office and my life. The next round of freebies to be given away on Craigslist was some software I no longer use from…holy crap…25 years ago?!? Once state-of-the-art products like Adobe Photoshop 3.0, Microsoft Quick C, and Visual Basic. … read more Wait—How Did I Lose 25 Years?!?

My Driveway Is Finished!

My Driveway Is Happening!

Not Everything Can Be Forgiven

It’s Time for New Glasses – Help!

Update on Bing the Cat