Never Give Up

A long time ago, when I initially set out to be a writer and before I sold my first book to a traditional publisher, I had a drawer full of form rejection slips—more than 100! But I persisted, and eventually landed a multi-book contract that launched my writing career. If you have writing in your … read more Never Give Up

My Books Sold 52 Copies Today!

Quiet Night, Too Much Thinking

A Quick Look at a First Novel by Mathew R. J. Parkes

Should Writers Pay for Reviews?

Never Doubt Yourself

Late Night Music

Running Off the Tracks

A friend on Ello recently joked about writers running off the tracks, and after browsing my page, he wrote: “I would think, having surfed your page, you would be firmly on track. Completely, totally, one hundred percent, absolutely, positively, confirmed, obediently, full-fledged, and compliantly on track at all times.” I do try! Growing older has … read more Running Off the Tracks

Imagination and Knowledge

Here’s another enduring quote from Albert Einstein to remind us that imagination is so essential to the creative side of writing: “Imagination is more important than knowledge. For while knowledge defines all we currently know and understand, imagination points to all we might yet discover and create.”

Logic and Imagination