Doctor Finds Amazing Cure for Killer Disease

Sepsis kills 8 million people a year worldwide, but an ER doctor in Virginia saved three dying patients with a therapeutic dose of…Vitamin C! Nature gives humans everything we need to survive and thrive, we just need to learn how to put the pieces of the puzzle together in the right way.

Show Don’t Tell

I Love the Night

Words Are Tears…

Why Writers Write

Write to Conquer Reality

My Book Hit Number 2!

Writers Must Read!

Great advice to good writers who want to become great writers from William Faulkner: “Read, read, read. Read everything—trash, classics, good and bad, and see how they do it…Read! You’ll absorb it. Then write. If it’s good, you’ll find out. If it’s not, throw it out of the window.” —William Faulkner

The Unread Story

The Perils of Vanity Publishing

Recently, I was chatting with a new friend on Twitter who got “stuffed” by the same publisher that my dear friend Angelique got tangled up with a year ago. Their stories are the same. The publisher’s name doesn’t matter …it’s a vanity publisher, and they all work the same: you pay a lot of money … read more The Perils of Vanity Publishing