My Journey on BlueSky Begins!

I’ve been online for 43 years, which is most of my adult life. My online journey began in 1980, on the first day Commodore’s VIC-20 computer went on sale at Toys”R”Us in Los Angeles. I built one of the first websites on the Web in the early 1990s, founded Virtual University, the first e-learning community … read more My Journey on BlueSky Begins!

Writers Are Always Writing

Good Fiction Should…

I Will Write Page 2…Someday

The Hard Part of Writing…

Write Your Heart

Follow Your Intuition

Want to Become a Better Writer?

Settling Down to Business

It has been nine months since I posted on my writing blog, and I’ve been missing in action on other social networks as well—2018 was incredibly busy for me. I drove to Texas from California last winter to meet my long-lost sister, Joan, and her family for the first time. I stayed longer than expected, … read more Settling Down to Business

#1 Grammar Best Seller—Five Times!