If you’ve been following me, you know that I have made steady strides over the course of the last few years to turn my dreams into reality. The past year especially has been a whirlwind that began with a forced job transition from a Macy’s store closure. That led me into a new position at Bergner’s and a Counter Manager position with Estee Lauder. I closed out the year with the launch of my Beautyscoops.com website.
It is time to take my next big step, ironically, just as my day job in the unsteady world of retail faces great uncertainty. This announcement has been a long time in the making, delayed by intense struggles against the dragons of self-doubt and overthinking. But I learned much in the process, and it is now with great pleasure that I add “published author” to my list of accomplishments. My first book, 35 Quick & Easy Tips for a Beautiful You!, is scheduled for release on June 1, and it’s now available for pre-order on Amazon!

Although I have kept this endeavor fairly quiet, only giving a few glimpses at my plans from time to time and a few “Easter eggs” for anyone paying attention, this book marks a pivotal point to my future goals. It has been difficult to put myself out there publicly in an atmosphere where so many women act in ways that hold each other down instead of empowering each other to rise. One of my goals as a writer will be to add my voice to advancing the premise that “empowered women empower women.”
I want to say thank you so much to everyone who has encouraged and supported me in my efforts to date, with a few very special mentions.
First, my day job mentions. A shout out to my mentors and family at Estee Lauder. Watching and learning from such a positive community of strong women has made me feel like I have been a part of something huge and that I belonged here, when I sometimes struggled to feel like I fit in anywhere at all. It gave me so much of the strength that I needed to take this step, and I will always be grateful for that.
My Estee Lauder account executive, Danette Reisner, has especially been a source of inspiration for me through the years. From my first meeting with her, I thought she was the definition of class from head to toe. Her positive influence has kept me on my toes learning to effectively lead, coach, and manage, as I strive to emulate her image of beauty and grace, and I work to inspire others.
To the girls at Clinique, I appreciate all that I have learned from my training with you. I never wore a white coat, but I have so much respect for the brand and the people involved. Thank you for your hospitality and for giving me such a solid knowledge base. A special shout out to Jen McGee, whose style I loved from the moment I set eyes on her at a Clinique training, where she taught me all about ombre lips, and whom I continue to watch with huge heart eyes and learn from as she grows in her own career.
To the wonderful mentor I jokingly refer to as “The Man Behind the Curtain”, my editor and publisher, Mr. Richard De A’Morelli. He saw me as more than just a girl who sells makeup and taught me some of the most valuable lessons in my life through his own life story and published works. His words of wisdom and literary guidance have opened the door to possibilities that I had only dreamed about; and he has shown me that you are always in charge of your own life, even when you think it is completely out of control.
Last, but never least, I want to thank my children, who are no longer little, and who put up with a mother constantly wrapped up in technology, typing away on the keyboard or working on the phone, and often setting up crazy scenes to take photos for my website and Instagram. My children are three of my biggest motivations, and I want to prove by example that great things CAN happen in your life when you set your mind on course and realize that you are only as good as you believe you are—never settle.
What I have learned the most through all this is that stepping out of your comfort zone is 100% necessary for growth. If you don’t take risks, you won’t get any closer to the places you want to go. And if you listen to people who think you can’t make it, then you won’t ever succeed or reach your dreams. Put yourself out there, dare to dream, and be the one who decided to go for it.
Beauty is my passion. Beauty is everywhere and inside everyone; sometimes you just might need a little help to see it. I wrote my book on this principle, and I hope you enjoy it!
35 Quick & Easy Tips for a Beautiful You!